
Friday, June 22, 2007

Indy, Homer, and Darth Vader

Just a couple of quick items today.

Steven Spielberg has started shooting on the fourth Indiana Jones installment. Here's a pic of Harrison Ford in his archeologist's digs(Get it? Digs...archaelogist. Man, I crack myself up!). The film stars Ford, Shia LeBouf(This kid is in everything nowadays. Can you say Dakota Fanning?), Cate Blanchett, John Hurt, Ray Winstone and Jim Broadbent. The film is scheduled for a worldwide May 22, 2008 release.

Yahoo! has a new trailer for The Simpsons. I love the last few seconds of it. "Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig, friendly neighborhood Spider-Pig."

If you missed the Robot Chicken: Star Wars episode, Adult Swim has posted it online with pop-up commentary by Seth Green and Matt Senreich. Here's a small clip. You really have to be a Star Wars junkie to get the inside joke of this clip. (Leave me a comment if you know it.)

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