
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Floor carving!

Hey Random Readers!

I'm back in Sherman Oaks after spending Thanksgiving with my Mom and brothers in San Diego.
As I said in the last post, it's been some time since I celebrated the decimation of a turkey carcass at my Mom's. Other than dry turkey and a movie, I wasn't sure what to expect. So the unexpected didn't really throw me.

First bit of the unexpected. My Mom invited a few of her SGI friends. A few in this case meaning 5. Including myself, my brothers Ricky and John, and my Mom that brought the total to 9 people. Now my Mom's place is small. A munchkin would be claustrophobic in my Mom's duplex. There is barely enough room for 4 of us to eat at the table let alone 9. This just meant that my brothers and I would sit on the floor and couch to enjoy our meal. Joy! My Mom also has very limited counter space in her kitchen. Unfortunately, the counter tops were being occupied by pots and pans, so I got to carve the turkey on the floor. No really, I did. Here's video documentation.

After everything was said and done, it was a great Thanksgiving. The turkey wasn't dry. The pumpkin pie wasn't that burnt and Dallas beat the Jets. Of course, the most important thing is that everyone was safe and healthy and I didn't have to break into the Pepto-Bismol.


Janelle said...

You don't seem very happy in this video.

Troy said...

That's because there are two Vietnamese women hovering about and telling me how to carve the turkey. Oh, I'm also carving the turkey ON THE FLOOR!