
Monday, June 30, 2008

Who Wanted Some?!

Saw Wanted. Kicked and displayed Angelina Jolie ass! Nuff said!

But I'm going to anyway.

First James McAvoy.

Mr. Tumnus found a way out of Narnia and lost the parasol for a pair of Desert Eagles.

Angelina Jolie.

She doesn't have a lot of lines to chew on, but she's simply amazing! She can beat on my face with brass knuckles anytime!

Timur Bekmambetov.

Gotta give it to the Russkie. He knows how to direct action. I loved his Nightwatch and Daywatch films and he has made the transition to the Hollywood studio system with style. His movies are eyegasmic and this one is no exception. I bet he could make The Sound of Music kick you in the balls with ecstasy!

So see this one!

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