
Monday, January 14, 2008

I got the fever!

Ever hear of Dengue fever? Sounds rather innocuous. It's pronounced "den-gee." Kinda silly isn't it? The symptoms are similar to the flu; fever, achy joints, sometimes a rash.

So you're thinking, just pop a couple of Bayer and you're golden, right? Oh yeah, you also vomit blood and have bloody diarrhea. Hence it's pen name-dengue hemorrhagic fever.

Ain't no aspirin gonna cure "bleeding out the anus" fever! Remember when I told you that one of the symptoms is joint pain. Sometimes the joint pain is extremely severe, which gave rise to another nom de plume-bonebreaker fever!

We're so beyond aspirin, dimetapp, or even cowbell. Seriously, bonebreaker fever?!? At this point you're thinking the cure is a transfusion of some sort-blood, tissue, whole organs, cloning. Wrong! You know what cures dengue hemorrhagic bonebreaker fever? Time.

Glad I live in the 21st century.

Yep. You just grab an hourglass and stare at the sucker until your immune system kills the fever. Or the fever kills you. If you die, Time just wasn't a cheerleader on your sideline.

So I hope no one out there gets the bonebreaker fever. At least no one who comes into close proximity to me. I'm kidding. It's spread through a mosquito bite. Damn mosquitos!

Still, if you're gonna die of a fever, I'd rather say that the "bonebreaker" did me in rather than a wimpy color like "yellow."

Here's the article that got me going on this random rant.

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