
Friday, January 04, 2008

Terror at the Barbershop!!

Hey everyone! Not too much to write about. It's been a spectacularly uneventful week. Highlight of the week-saw a movie. Juno, to be more specific. Fantastic flick. Smart, funny, great acting. Go see it!

Also got my hair cut. First time since I've been out here. I hate going to a new barber. Actually, it's more that I don't know how to describe how I want my hair cut. I freeze up like a sno-cone when the barber says "how do you want it cut?" I respond "uhh, just a trim" which is universally accepted as "I've got no clue and my butt is sweating." Then the barber will usually say "how about some short layers and I'll texturize the perimeter." At this point, I can only frighteningly nod because it sounds like they just declared war on my scalp. So after they are finished and ask "is this alright" I quickly respond "it's perfect" because they still have the scissors and I just want to leave before I piss on myself.

Sorry this post was a trip to Dullsville but I can't pinch out diamonds everytime.

Oh wait. Before I sign off, I want to say Happy Birthday to my little brother Ken before it's too late. So, Happy Birthday Bro! Do you realize that you're the last of Dad's sperm that got intimate with one of Mom's eggs? Aren't you proud?

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