
Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday the 13th-October Edition

Today is Friday the 13th(bad luck) and it's October(spooky). So today is spooky bad luck. Hope you don't have paraskavedekatriaphobia.
Why all the fuss about Friday the 13th? Sure, it wasn't the best day for the Templar Knights. Getting arrested, tortured, and burned at the stake can sour your view of the date. But that was 700 years ago. I don't think there are any Templar Knights left. Can we give Friday the 13th a break already? Isn't having those crappy Jason flicks flicks named for the date punishment enough? I wouldn't be surprised if those movies were written by a Templar Knight descendant to exact revenge on Friday the 13th. Let's move on and pick on another date for a change. How about Wednesday the 21st? Not too fond of that date. Just think about it.

Lemony Snicket is releasing the 13th and final(thank god!)book in the A Series of Unfortunate Events

The Grudge 2 opens today. Could suck, could be good. Sucky or good, it has Sarah Michele Gellar in a hospital gown. Yummy.

Until the Wednesday the 21st thing takes off, everyone be extra careful today. Don't spill salt, break any mirrors or step on any cracks. Unless you hate your Momma.
Have a good weekend!!

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