
Monday, November 27, 2006

Fog of War

I drove to work this morning in a thick haze. Oh, and it was foggy too.

Speaking of foggy hazes, here is my wellspring of thick, foggy hazes.

Number 5 already?

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire comes to theaters on July 13, 2007. Here is the teaser trailer. That Hermione is filling out nicely!

Superman here? Golly!

Tomorrow is the release date of Superman Returns and Superman II - The Richard Donner Cut.

Superman Returns was decent. The story was a little too melodramatic and I thought Kevin Spacey did a bad Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor. Brandon Routh also did a mousy Christopher Reeve as Clark Kent/Superman, but thankfully he didn't have a lot of dialogue. My brother got a HD-DVD player for his XBox 360, so I am keen on watching Superman Returns in HD.

Some of you may know that Richard Donner was hired to direct Superman-The Movie and Superman II. However, creative differences between Donner and the producers lead to Donner being fired after shooting most of Superman II. The producers hired Richard Lester to finish Superman II and direct Superman III. You can definitely tell where the Donner work ends and the Lester work begins in Superman II and I don't even need to bring up the train wreck that is Superman III(Richard Pryor?? Come on!) This new edition of Superman II has newly restored scenes and is cut the way Donner intended for his vision of Superman II. I generally don't like director's editions of films as most of the time it's just extra footage that should have remained on the cutting room floor and added in a nice little package so the studios can make some extra money. Nonetheless, I am going to give this one a viewing since I consider Donner's Superman - The Movie to be the definitive comic book movie. I'll let you know what I think.

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