
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Where'd You Go?

Hey everyone!!!

I know, I know. I haven't posted in quite some time. What excuse should I use?

  1. I was waiting for the proper planetary equinox.
  2. My Muse was kicking it down in Rio.
  3. I've been working too damn much.
You pick one.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. That special time of year when family and friends get together to enjoy food, football, and a tryptophan coma. It all started about 400 years ago when Indians fed the Pilgrims some turkeys during some hard times. As a way of saying thanks, the Indians were killed and forced off their lands. Things are a little different today. Now the Indians charge overweight Americans $24.95 for a turkey buffet in one of their casinos and are making a killing at the slots.

How can you tell when this turkey is done? Poke at it and tell him that he's not funny. Then record the ensuing racist diatribe and post it on the net. Then you know he is done. Oh yeah, he's done alright!!

Play this if you like a soundtrack to accompany your dinner.

Or this if you think you are going to overeat.

I'll be working tomorrow, but I will be home in time for some leftovers. So save me some!!!

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