
Friday, July 27, 2007

Comic-Con is here!!

But I'm not attending this year. Still there is quite a bit of news coming out of the Con and I will post them as they appear.

In honor of the Simpsons movie opening today, I've changed the banner again. D'oh!! Once again, Ray Raq did an awesome job simpsonizing me. Speaking of which, tomorrow is Ray's birthday. If you know Ray, you will agree with me that he looks nothing like #$. If you really know Ray, you know how sensitive he is about his age. But, like he's so fond of saying, you're only as old as the girls you feel! So here's a shout out to Ray's birthday!!

With the new banner you would think I was going to see The Simpson's this weekend. Nope! I'm going to see Sunshine, the new Danny Boyle film. It opened last week but wasn't showing in any theaters around here and I was mad as hell pissed!! Somebody at Fox Searchlight must have felt my pain because it is now playing in two theaters. Better late than never. So, I'm going to catch the film before it leaves the theaters. I'll post a review on Monday.

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