
Monday, July 31, 2006


Another week, another month. Where does the time go? Apparently, this mother has too much time. Maybe it's not fair for me to weigh in on this issue, not being a Mom and all. But, I do think that most parents dote too much on their kids.

Take Lindsay Lohan's Mom for instance. An Oscar? Sweet justice? Only in Hollywierd.

I think the woman who wrote the article would be less bored if she didn't try to be a part of every aspect of her children's lives. My parents never played games with me or my brothers or sat through music lessons with us. My Dad would just drop us off (if it was too far to walk or ride a bike, which meant at least 5 miles) and pick us up when it was over. And when I say music lessons, I mean accordian lessons. Yes, accordian lessons! What the hell was my Dad thinking signing up my brothers and I for accordian lessons. I know he just wanted to get us out of the house for an hour so he could watch tv uninterrupted, but accordian lessons! Why not guitar lessons? Even the clarinet would have been cooler than the accordian. I couldn't believe people still played the accordian, much less taught other people to play. I always thought people who played the accordian were born with some genetic defect that altered their perception of good music. But, I thought modern science had corrected that defect and the accordian became extinct. Or at least everyone who could play the accordian was banished to some remote village in Austria. Leave it to my Dad to find a school that taught accordian. I think he got some perverse pleasure knowing we would have to listen to the Blue Danube Waltz over and over again. He always had a wry smile on his face when dropping us off. Thank goodness that madness ended when my Dad learned he would have to attend a recital and actually listen to people playing the accordian. We never went to another lesson. But I still have the accordian.

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