
Friday, July 28, 2006

Where's the Music?

Mtv turns 25. Do they even play music videos anymore? I think it's time for a name change. They should call it Rtv for Reality Tv. Everytime I turn it on there is some marathon for some inane show like 8th & Ocean.

On today's date in 1794, Reign of Terror leader Maximilien Robespierre was guillotined. How come we never guillotined people over here? I mean seriously, a rope with a noose? Boooring!! Now a sharp, angled blade Crashing down through someone's neck. Fun! The one fun thing the French came up with.

Kazaa is paying $100 million to settle copyright lawsuits. Does anybody still use Kazaa? I think most people are on Limewire or using a bittorrent client. However, this action doesn't bode well for the free file sharing community. It's just a matter of time before the studios and record labels go after Limewire with both barrells. I must admit I purchase more songs through iTunes than downloading them for free. It's just alot easier than trying to find a song through Limewire. But iTunes could have a better pricing model. They need to come up with a subscription model like

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