
Friday, July 14, 2006

International Blends

Today we're going intercontinental, so dust off your passports.

Happy Bastille Day!! Only the French would celebrate a day centered around a prison. What if we had a Super Sing Sing Day parade or the Alcatraz Always Fireworks extravaganza? Can't imagine too many networks lining up to broadcast those events.

Here's a story of a sandwich shop owner in Philly that insists all of his customers order in English. Now, I have never endeavored to own a sandwich shop, but if I did, I wouldn't care how you ordered a cheesesteak. You could order in Klingon, tap it out in morse code on the counter, or divine it from a cup of tea leaves. Just as long as you paid me in some form of U.S. legal tender. That bill or coin you hand to me better have an American dead president or patriot of some kind on it. Otherwise you can carry your hungry, swahili speaking ass right out the door. Unless you paid me in pirate currency.

Canada appears to have a bit of a mad cow problem. I think it's retribution for giving the world Celine Dion. Whenever I hear about mad cow disease, it makes me think of my favorite Will Ferrell sketch.

That's it for today. Have a great weekend and I will see you back here on Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there!
Very funny stuff. It made me chuckle.