
Friday, December 14, 2007

Exclusive Preview of Cloverfield

Still excited about this project. The marketing for the film is in turbo viral mode given the premiere is about a month away. I'm always a sucker for the giant monster movie. As a kid, me and my brothers would watch Godzilla Theater every weekend. A different Japanese monster movie would air at noon on Saturday and repeat at noon on Sunday. We religiously watched both airings. and quickly developed favorite monsters (Godzilla, King Ghidorah, Rodan) and despised (Mothra, Minilla, Gamera). We didn't care about the irony of short japanese men wearing costumes to portray giant monsters. We reveled in giant monsters going toe to toe and using Tokyo as a sandbox.

Cloverfield looks like an american version of the Godzilla (or kaiju, as the geeks prefer to call it) genre. I can only hope it's better than the Roland Emmerich remake of Godzilla a few years back. I mean really, Ferris Bueller saves New York from Godzilla? Really?

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