
Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Hey Random readers!! Just a few quick items today.

I just got back from San Diego. I helped my middle brother John move into his new apartment. Not only did this entail the physical aspect of moving all of his furniture and personal fx, but also setting up his wi-fi, and new home theater system (it sucks being the geek in the family). He got a sick Philips 42" 1080p LCD HDTV with Ambilight. This is the tv that has the "mood" lighting to enhance your viewing experience. I initially thought it was gimmicky, but after actually a few shows with the lights, it was surprisingly cool. To compliment his new flatscreen, he purchased a Toshiba HD-A20 1080p HD DVD Player. Paired with his tv, HD-DVDs look awesome. We watched Planet Earth and the detail was spectacular! You can smell the blood in the water after the great white shark devours the baby seal. It was the original BBC production which is far superior to the American version. It's unedited and narrated by David Attenborough. Wildlife documentaries are more credible with British voiceovers. We also watched The Polar Express in HD-DVD. The picture and sound was so life-like, I almost believed in Santa Claus again. It almost seemed the film was in 3-D but without the dorky glasses.

In other brotherly news, my youngest brother knocked me out of the playoffs in my fantasy league. I lost to him 3 times this season. 3 TIMES!!!! It was a close game 104-100. Of course endless "if I only would have started" scenarios raced through my head, but overall it wasn't a bad season. I've made it to the playoffs every year I've been a part of this league, so I can't complain. To my little brother Ken, I have only one thing to say-you suck!! Forget what I wrote about not complaining. I'm bitter and angry. I deserve to win every year. There can be only one and that's me!!!!

Okay. I feel better now.

Before I sign off, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has been doing their Amazon shopping through my store. I really appreciate the support. Remember, you don't have to buy the items in my store, but if you link to Amazon through my store I will get credit.

Thanks for reading!!

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