
Thursday, August 03, 2006

Speaking of school supplies, remember the Pee-Chee folder? It's hard for me to think back to elementary school without also thinking about my pee-chee. Everyone had one and you would be hard pressed to find one unblemished by ink. You could pretty much sum up the grade a person was going to get based on how much grafitti was on their pee-chee. If your pee-chee had a few word baloons and blackened eyes, it would be fair to ascertain that you were a fairly good student. However, if your pee-chee was covered in rocketships, swastikas, sexual anatomy, cute woodland creatures, or just looked like a Jackson Pollack painting, you were most likely going to enjoy an extra year of school. My pee-chee wasn't too bad. Some blackened teeth on the runners. Adding some color to the football player's jerseys. I spent most of my time staring at the tennis player's skirt; desperately hoping it would raise just a tiny bit more. It never did. Eventually, I retired my pee-chees for a Trapper Keeper. Life just wasn't the same.


Anonymous said...

The link to the game didn't work and here I was all bored and everything! Curse you! Never heard of a Pee-Chee. I think you're showing your age with that one Dodd! Very entertaining post though.

Anonymous said...

Ok...Troy. Pee Chee? Yeah... your age is showing. My Pee Chee was your Trapper Keeper.